How to make an online criminal record? See details

Date Create: 14/08/2021

Making criminal records online helps people save time and costs and especially speed up other related administrative procedures. In this article, Nhi Gia will give some instruction on how to apply for an online criminal record simply with a few clicks!

What is an online criminal record?

Before we learn how to make an online criminal record, we need to understand what an online criminal record is. Online criminal record, or judicial records by post, has been deployed by the Ministry of Justice since 2015. Similar to the way of applying in person, criminal records include online criminal records No. 1 and online criminal record No. 2.

However, it should be noted that online criminal record issuance does not mean that you apply online and then receive online results via email or registration page.

With the online criminal record form, you will apply for a criminal record, then submit the application and receive the results at home (the postal staff will come to your home address to collect the documents and return the results).

Instructions for making online criminal records

Procedures for making online criminal records include the following steps:

  • Register your criminal record online on the website of the Ministry of Justice
  • Submit application for online criminal records by post
  • Receive the results of the criminal record application by post.

Specifically, the procedure to apply for an online criminal record:

Step 1: Access the website

On the website, you need to choose the right applicants, including:

  • Vietnamese citizens permanently/temporarily reside in the country
  • Vietnamese citizen is residing abroad
  • Foreigners is residing in Vietnam
  • Vietnamese citizens can’t identify permanent/temporary residence
  • Foreigners resided in Vietnam

After choosing the right applicant, the website will ask you to declare your permanent or temporary residence. You should choose correctly depending on the area you are living in.

Note: The website supports English language also, so foreigners can use it easily.

After choosing a place of permanent or temporary residence, the system will automatically jump to the page that issues the criminal record card of that locality.

Step 2:

Then, you click on the Get Started box, the system will redirect to the page of Application Form for Criminal Record Certificates.

The next thing to do is to enter the basic information, the fields marked with a red * are required.

For the Residence Process box, click Add rows in the blue section to fill in the blanks.

After entering a period of residence, click Add rows again to fill in the next information.


  • Up to 15 records of residency information can be entered.
  • Make sure all residence information is entered correctly and completely. If there is anything wrong or miss, dossiers shall not be accepted.
  • Just enter the information from the time you reach 14 years old and later.

For Other Information, it is necessary to complete:

  • Purpose of issuance;
  • Number of additional certificates;
  • Criminal conviction information;
  • Request for issuance of Criminal Record No.:…;
  • Whether or not to request confirmation on the Declaration of information on ban on holding certain posts, establishment or management of enterprises or cooperatives under the court ruling on bankruptcy declaration.
  • Section of Fees level for providing criminal record information, you need to determine which object you are to fill out correctly: Regular fee, reduced fee, free.

Note: if you choose the wrong object, your dossiers will not be accepted!

Go to the Translation service section, you choose the translation language as well as the number of translations. The price will be displayed right next to your selection. Note that this section is only available if the judicial authority gives you the option to provide translation services.

In the section Post services, you choose a delivery company and select Register to submit documents at home (delivery staff will come to your home to collect documents) and Register to receive results at home (delivery staff to home to return results), or choose only 01 of 02 services. Then fill in the address information.

Note: Do not enter the address to submit the application and return the results outside of Vietnam.

At the Attachment section, click the [PRINT] button in the right corner of the screen and Select file.

Enter the confirmation code to authenticate the user and press [NEXT] to move to the next step, or press [BACK] to return to Step 2.

After pressing the [OK] button, the system will send an online registration code. You must memorize this code and provide it to the reception when you submit your application to receive an appointment letter to return results and to look up criminal records online.

Step 3: Submit application and receive results of online criminal record application

  • Notarized photocopy of the identity card or citizen identity card (or passport);
  • Application form to receive results via postal service if selected (Form No. 01/2014/LLTP);
  • The printed application form;
  • The issued Criminal record online registration number;
  • 02 photos
  • Criminal record issuance fee as well as delivery fee (if any).

How long does it take to make an online criminal record?

It takes about 5 days from the date of online registration. The post office staff will come to your house to pick your dossiers up or you can bring it to the post office to send it, ensuring time for transferring to the judicial agency.

It is difficult to say exactly how long it takes to receive a criminal record online because it depends on many factors, the review time at the Competent Authority and the delivery service you registered to receive the results.

Difficulties in applying for criminal records online

Although, the way to apply for a criminal record online will not need to appear at the Judicial Record Agency to help citizens save time, costs and travel effort, but the online form of criminal record making also many limitations and risks, such as:

  • The online dossiers should be submitted to the judicial authority within 05 days from the date of completing the online registration. In case, the courier does not receive the application and send it in time, you will have to declare it again on the page. So, instead of waiting for the post office staff to come to your home to receive the file, you can actively bring the online criminal record application to the post office to ensure delivery time;
  • In many cases, the delivery staff has not been properly trained, the signature of the individual applying for the certificate is not correct, causing the dossier to have to be sent many times, which takes a long time and the results are delayed.
  • In addition, many of you are not familiar with the paperwork, do not prepare sufficient documents, having the application for criminal records done many times, the carrier has to go back and forth many times.

Processing service to support criminal record application in Nhi Gia

To overcome unnecessary difficulties and risks, you can use the criminal record service at Nhi Gia Company. With more than 15 years of experience in the field, we support quick and economical criminal record application.

Nhi Gia's strength is able to support all cases of applying for criminal records for foreigners, Vietnamese living abroad and support all provinces.

Above is the entire content of making criminal records online. Please contact +84 1900 6654 or to register for service consultation.

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